Study commissioned by MCA-Benin II for the establishment of a favorable environment for off-grid electrification in Benin. This study is available on the website
The Mini-Grid Toolkit is a manual, developed by RECP, focused on providing local electricity supply which can be powered through a variety of sources, including available fuels and renewables such as solar panels. The Toolkit is designed to facilitate roll-out of mini-grids which meet the requirements of remote communities – transforming their lives with access to regular, safe and affordable power.
Decree No. 2018-563 sets minimum energy performance standards and the energy labelling system for lamps and room air conditioners in the Republic of Benin.
The application for OCEF co-financing must be submitted in French. Likewise, all documents to be completed by the Applicant are in French. Please refer to the relevant page here
Note: All applications must be submitted in French. All documents related to the Calls for Proposals are likewise edited in French.
Annexe 1 - Formulaire de demande de subvention / application form (available on the online application system - register here to get access to the application form. Please make sure to read the Guide for Project Applicants before accessing the application form).