La Facilité d’Energie Propre Hors Réseau de MCA-Bénin II ouvre la voie au changement de l’Eléctrification Hors-Réseau (EHR) au Bénin

Dans la phase de clôture du Compact Énergie du Bénin, le Millennium Challenge Account (MCA-Bénin II) organise « l’Atelier de Capitalisation de l’Expérience de l’Electrification Hors-réseau (EHR) au Bénin ».

At last, quality solar lamps and solar-home-systems made in Benin!

On Thursday, October 7, 2021, Lagazel inaugurated its second solar lamp and solar-home-system manufacturing plant in Porto Novo, with the support of the Ministry of Energy, in the presence of a number of prominent members of the community. The company continues its development trajectory in favor of a sustainable industrial model that boosts local economic development.

Press Release : Results of the OCEF First Call for Proposals

The Millennium Challenge Account Benin II (MCA-Benin II) unveiled on Wednesday 5 February 2020 the four (4) companies selected following the OCEF first Call for Proposals. The activities to be carried out by these companies include the production, sale, distribution, and installation of solar kits for the various needs of households, businesses and public institutions in 39 localities in Benin.

Press Release Final results of the OCEF Second Call for Proposals

Le Millennium Challenge Account Bénin II (MCA-Bénin II) a dévoilé la liste des onze (11) entreprises lauréates du deuxième Appel à Propositions de projets de l’OCEF. Huit (8) projets de construction et d’exploitation de mini-réseaux solaires ont été retenus pour plus de 60 millions de Dollar US d’investissement. Ces mini-réseaux solaires serviront à fournir de l’électricité aux ménages, aux entreprises et aux industries.

Launch of the Partnership Platform in Cotonou15.02.18

As a prelude to the launch of the first call for project proposals, OCEF organized an information workshop for companies and organizations on the provision of a partnership platform. This online matchmaking platform will facilitate the linking of potential bidders to create consortia in order to submit high quality project proposals to OCEF.

Launch of the First Call for Proposals

The first Call for Projects (CfP), which was launched on February 22, 2018, has a total budget of US $ 12 million, and concerns windows 1, 3 and 4. Potential bidders will have until May 22, 2018, deadlines to submit their proposal. The first Call for Projects (CfP), which was launched on February 22, 2018, has a total budget of US $ 12 million, and concerns windows 1, 3 and 4. Potential bidders will have until May 22, 2018, deadlines to submit their proposal.

Communication in anticipation of the launch of the Call for Proposals on February 22, 2018

With the call for proposals being launched on February 22, 2018, OCEF will be holding the following meetings to inform interested applicants: Meeting in Cotonou on Thursday February 15, 2018 about the upcoming launch and presentation of the partnership platform. The platform makes partner search for national, regional and international

OCEF campaign in 5 major cities around Benin

During February and March, the OCEF team organised meetings around Benin, more precisely in the 5 major cities of Porto-Novo, Abomey, Lokossa, Parakou and Natitingou, to inform local companies and organizations about the first Call for Project Proposals.

Large workshop in Cotonou

An information and partnership workshop on the 1st Call for Proposals was held in Cotonou on March 13th, 2018 and saw a strong mobilization of potential bidders, thus national and international organizations and companies.